Let’s Discuss Some Emergency Plumbing Issues


Plumbing emergencies can occur anytime, leaving you bothered and helpless. An efficient plumbing system is an indispensable part of your property that unfortunately often gets neglected by house owners. This blog post brings to you some emergency plumbing issues that need to be addressed as soon as possible to avoid further worsening of the situation.

Emergency plumbing refers to certain contingent situations in which a quick-fix solution can save you from further problems and the mess involved in the process. The points listed below are the common emergency situations that require proper first aid followed by calling an expert emergency plumber in Oklahoma City for help.


· Overflowing Toilet Tanks

The most common plumbing emergency situation that you may come across at home is an overflowing toilet tank. If the crisis occurs at odd hours of the night, then the situation can be more troublesome, as it is quite impossible to find a plumber working late at night. Thus, it is important for you to keep some tricks handy to meet such contingencies. For this, you need to first shut off the tank’s water valve and remove the tank cover to adjust the float arm. After this, check whether the water stops when the flapper valve is closed. If yes, then flush again until the tank stops overflowing. However, if the water doesn’t stop, then you need to call an expert emergency plumber in Oklahoma City who will get it fixed in no time.


· Leaking Pipes

Sewage pipes or even other water pipelines may develop leaks owing to many reasons. For instance, old and rusty pipes often get cracked and play havoc to the beauty of your home. There may be chances of flooding that will ruin your expensive carpets, ceilings and other interior fixtures. Further, this leaking of water through pipelines can also result in higher water bills. Thus, whenever you spot any leaking in your pipeline systems, do not ignore it, as it may require expert care to be fixed. You can call a professional emergency plumber in Oklahoma City immediately and shut down the main water supply while the help is on the way.


· Clogged Drains

People around the world find it pretty easy to fix clogged drains by using chemical powders and solutions. These chemicals undoubtedly make things easier and quicker for you, but ideally, they should be your last resort, as they are harmful too. First, you should see whether a rubber plunger can work. If not, then go for loosing the sink band underneath and clean out the materials that have caused the clog, like hair, dirt or soap scum. If the problem persists, then you should call the experts for help.


· Burst Pipes

It is a myth that water pipelines can burst overnight. Generally, the problem starts with minor cracks or leaks that are often left unattended. Although the bursting of a water pipeline is a major issue that needs immediate help from professional plumbers, you can shut down the main water valve in the meantime, before the emergency plumber arrives. This will help you prevent water wastage.


· Clogged Toilets

A rubber plunger is pretty helpful in sorting out the clogged toilet on your own. Toilets often get clogged when things are put into the commode other than toilet paper. Thus, you should make sure not to throw anything in the toilet in the first place to avoid clogging. Using a plumber’s snake can also help you resolve the issue, but if the problem remains the same, then it would be prudent to call an expert emergency plumber in Oklahoma City for help.